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This page describes the basics of the CommunityMashup.



A CommunityMashup (instance) consists of


A CommunityMashupContainer can contain one or more CommunityMashup instances.

Data model

The data set can store any number of Item objects.


The complete data model currently (because it can be extended - e.g. by new Extension sub classes) looks like:


The basic concepts of the CommunityMashup have been documented in this publication: Lachenmaier, P., & Ott, F. (2011). Building a Person-Centric Mashup System - CommunityMashup: A Service Oriented Approach. In D. Eichhorn, A. Koschmider, & H. Zhang (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS’2011) (pp. 122–129). Karlsruhe, Germany: Retrieved from
